Meet the Leadership Team
Nicole Barnes
Secondary Principal
Allyson Combs
Middle School Vice Principal
Austin Sankey
Student Life
Chase Rodriguez
Student Development
Rachel Davis
Athletic Director
RCS High School Programming
Bible | Summit Ministries
Math | Into Math and Larson Texts
History | SAVVAS and TCi
Science | Apologia
English | StudySync-Novel Studies
Spanish 1 + 2
Worship Team
Intro to Construction Trades
Intro to Business/Career
Musical Theater
Below is a sample of possible class offerings
Art History
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
Human Geography
US Government and Politics
US History
Subject to exam fee to college board.
*Some classes will be in person on campus, others will be online.
Dual Enrollment – Liberty University
Mix and match a variety of courses – up to 36 credits
Graduate High school with a completes associates degree (60-64 credits)
Develop specialized skills through a certificate course (18-21 credits)
*To participate in sports, must be enrolled in 4 classes at RCS.
*Tuition plan is in progress.
High School & Beyond Program
Our commitment is for all students to leave RCS knowing their passion and purpose for what God has called them to be.
Freshman | 9th Grade
Meetings with the Dean of Student Development will assist Freshman in better understanding career options that are suited to match their strengths. They will discover their gifts and talents and what careers they might be suited for. This is a pivotal year of looking into the gifts and interests' students have. The journey to tap into God's will for each student is one we are excited to take with each child.
Junior | 11th Grade
This year is about providing hands-on experience for students. They will be set up with a mentor in their desired profession. They will be able to job shadow and learn more about that profession.
Sophomore | 10th Grade
After they’ve discovered their gifts and talents as freshman, we will continue to cultivate that their sophomore year. We will host a career day where student will be able to meet with people in their desired careers. They will see how they can honor God in their chosen careers.
Senior | 12th Grade
Students will create their purpose capstone project. In this they will present their testimony, how they know God is real, and what is Biblical truth, what they believe, and what has God called them to be. Their purpose and direction and how it will affect the kingdom of God.