RCS High School Vision

Our Dream is to create a Christ-centered secondary campus in SE King County that will serve middle school and high school students. A school that will annually send out 100 graduates with a fully devoted relationship with Christ and a well-developed biblical worldview.


Spiritual Need:

High School students need a Christ-centered educational option.

Location Need: 

Existing Christian high schools are not located to serve SE King County conveniently. 

Growth Need: 

God has increasingly entrusted RCS with more families. We cannot expand on our current campus.

RCS High School FAQ's


16 acres between Maple Valley and Covington.

Easy access from HWY 18 off 256th St exit.

Located on 204th Ave SE, which will become a main commuter arterial serving the fastest growing area of King County.

9 miles SE from current campus. 

Our desire is to create a transportation hub between campuses to assist in student transportation.


Our current target to open Phase 1 is the 2027-2028 school year. The exact school year will be announced when a firm open date is determined.

We will offer a bridge option for one year prior to the initial year. 

Cost Estimate?

Initial cost estimates indicate all project phases will be around $50 million. 

Funding sources will include fundraising, applied savings, and long-term financing.

  • When will the RCS High School open?
    We are aiming for the 2027-2028 school year. There are several variables that will impact the opening date, i.e. permitting process, construction schedule, and fundraising timing. The exact school year will be announced when a firm open date is determined.

    Will there be a bridge option for students who will miss the opening by a year?
    We will offer an educational option for students who will miss the opening school year by one year. When we progress through the permitting process, fundraising process, and get a realistic construction schedule, we will determine which school year the bridge option will be available. 

  • What grades will be located at the second campus?
    The new campus will be designed to serve middle school and high school. This will free up space at our current campus to serve additional elementary students and provide additional focused space for programs and student support.

    How many students will the RCS High School support?
    We hope to serve 600+ students. This will provide space for 80-120 students per grade.

  • How much will the RCS High School Project cost?
    Initial estimates indicate the total project cost for all phases will be around $50 million. This includes property acquisition, feasibility, design, site prep, construction, and FF&E (furniture, fixtures, and equipment). We are purchasing the 16-acre property for $3,250,000.

    How will the RCS High School construction be funded?
    The RCS High School project will be primarily funded through fundraising. Additional funds will be provided by operational savings and long-term financing. Our annual budget will increase dedicated savings over the coming years to ultimately cover any loan secured for this project.

    How much will the tuition be for the RCS High School?
    Tuition rates will be determined as we get closer to the initial school year. We want to provide an accessible AND fully funded Christ-centered high school experience for as many students as possible. 

  • How will the RCS High School develop students for Christ?
    The RCS high school will be an extension of the spiritual development we experience at our current campus. The Profile of a Student illustrates what we hope to instill and inspire in every student all founded on a fully devoted relationship with Jesus Christ. 

    How will a Biblical Worldview be integrated into the RCS High School?
    We will integrate a biblical worldview throughout the entire educational experience at the RCS High School. Aligned with our current practices, we will integrate a biblical worldview through curriculum and teaching in the classroom, weekly chapel, and into each program and activity.

  • What sports and activities will be offered at the RCS High School?
    We will determine the athletic opportunities and student activities offerings during the program development phase of the RCS High School. What we can offer will be influenced by our current team sports and activities, staff and parent input, and informed by funding and property layout constraints.

  • Will there be running start, college in the high school, AP Classes or other college level opportunities at the RCS High School?
    Yes! We intend to provide a rigorous academic experience that will fully prepare students for the next season of their life, whether they continue on to college or go directly to a trade. We intend to provide college credit in the high school through AP Classes, dual credit courses, and running start.

    How will STREAM (Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) be integrated into the RCS High School?
    To be fully prepared after high school, students need to have opportunities to learn in a STREAM infused educational environment. We will design the RCS high school facility with STREAM programs and activities in mind. A mix of dedicated space and integrated learning elements will help the RCS high school thrive in STREAM.

Get Involved:

How can I help with the RCS High School?

Pray - I will pray for God’s wisdom, direction, and provision. Pray also for our future high school students and families.

Participate - I will model the faith and qualities we want to instill and inspire in each student. I will love the Lord my God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength (Deuteronomy 6:5)

Give - I will help fund the RCS High School project.

How can I give input regarding the RCS High School?
We will engage the RCS community throughout the development process for their input and expertise. You can send any thoughts to: highschool@rentonchristian.org. We will make sure it gets to the appropriate team for consideration.
How can I give to the RCS High School?
One-time and reoccurring gifts can be made on our website: www.rentonchristian.org/give. There will be planned opportunities to give throughout the development process for the high school. We anticipate incurring about $200,000 of initial expense for feasibility, initial design, entitlement, and initial expenses for permitting and fundraising. Will you consider helping us fund these initial expenses? 

Additional questions?

Email us at info@redeemerchristian.org